Image illustrating Tvalbod

Övergården Soap

Övergården soap

At Övergården in Ulvestorp you can buy Caritas handmade soaps. In the small soap shed you will find body soaps, cerat and dish soaps. Each recipe is unique and developed with high-quality and organic ingredients with different properties. The soaps are of a cold-stirred variety and they are stored for at least four weeks, during the so-called saponification, when the soap matures and saponification is completed. In a soap made by hand, the raw materials contribute with their different properties and in the process glycerin is formed, which is moisture-binding and makes the soap extra nourishing.

Övergårdens Soap also provides various products that are used for the soap, such as brushes, handmade soap cups and soap patches.

Opening hours: Self-service - open around the clock in spring, summer and autumn.

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